Essential Reading to Pass Your Driving Test in Cork
The purpose of the driving test is to ensure that
drivers have an adequate knowledge of the rules of
the road and can drive safely and competently
without danger to, and with due regard for the
safety and convenience of other road users.
In normal driving maintain correct position on the
straight, on bends and within traffic lanes. Do not
hug the middle of the road or the kerb and keep a
safe distance from the vehicle in front. Depending
on the course you intend taking at a junction or
roundabout make sure you are in the appropriate
lane. Maintain the correct position when turning
left, turning right and on entering and exiting a
roundabout. On stopping in traffic or at a kerb be
in a safe position and do not cause any obstruction
to others.
Taking correct and proper observation is essential
to good safe driving. Before moving off from the
kerb always look around to ensure that no traffic
is coming which you may not see in the mirrors
(blind spot). Never attempt any movement or
manoeuvre until you can see that it is safe to do
so. Before overtaking, changing lane, entering a
roundabout, altering course or stopping, make
sure that it is safe to do so. Before turning at
junctions, always look left and right to make sure
that it is safe before you proceed.
React to Hazards
By identifying hazards, you will have time to take
any necessary action. You should ensure that you
read the road ahead to observe any situation that
will involve adjusting your speed or altering your
course. There will be times when you will have to
deal with more than one hazard within a short
space of time. This may require using both
initiative and common sense to deal with a
particular set of circumstances.
To anticipate is to take action when you expect
something may happen. You can anticipate what
others may do by making early use of the available
information on the road.
Ask yourself:
What am I likely to find?
What are other road users/pedestrians likely to do?
Should I adjust my speed or maybe even stop?
HGVs & Buses
Reverse: When carrying out a left or right hand
reverse manoeuvre, it is important to demonstrate
competence and take correct observations
regardless of whether the reverse was carried out
on the test route or in an RSA compound.
Vehicles with a Trailer
You should know the sequence for both uncoupling
and coupling of the trailer from and to the towing
Make sure that your mirrors are properly adjusted.
Mirrors should be used from time to time to provide
a picture of following traffic. Use the mirrors and
give a correct signal in good time before moving
off, overtaking, changing lane, turning right,
turning left, at roundabouts, slowing, stopping.
Always use your mirrors before signalling. Do not
give contradictory signals and make sure that
indicators are cancelled after use. Avoid giving
dangerous or misleading signals to other road
users. The horn should be used helpfully but not
excessively. You will be asked to correctly
demonstrate a number of hand signals.
You should allow sufficient clearance when
overtaking/passing pedestrians, cyclists,
motorcyclists and other road users. Always allow
sufficient but not excessive clearance to stationary
vehicles and other objects. Do not overtake where
it is dangerous or prohibited to do so. Never
overtake another road user if you are then going to
cross their path to turn left or stop. Never cut in
too soon after overtaking.
Having regard to the speed limits, keep up with
the normal flow of traffic. Maintain reasonable
progress moving off/on the straight/overtaking/
changing lane/at junctions/at roundabouts/
turning right/turning left/at traffic lights.
Do not cause obstruction to others by undue lack
of progress.
Vehicle Controls
Make proper use of accelerator/clutch/gears/
footbrake/handbrake/parking brake and steering.
Accelerator: The accelerator should be used
Clutch: Operate the clutch with reasonable
smoothness. Do not ‘coast’ i.e. drive for a distance
with the clutch disengaged.
Gears: Select the correct gear at all times, e.g.
moving off, overtaking, vehicle speed, and for
turning left and right. Engage gears smoothly.
Do not coast in neutral.
Brakes: Apply footbrake smoothly (except in
emergencies). Avoid unnecessary use of brakes
while turning. On a gradient you should be able to
coordinate the release of the handbrake/parking
brake with the use of the accelerator and clutch.
Do not roll back. Do not stall the engine. Release
and apply handbrake smoothly as and when
Show due regard for the safety and convenience of
other road users.
Secondary Controls
You should know and understand the functions of
all controls and switches in your vehicle and be
able to operate them effectively as required.
Technical Checks
You should be able to carry out routine technical
checks such as; oil and coolant levels, tyres,
wipers, headlights, brake lights and reflectors etc.
In-Car Checks
You should always ensure that your seat, seatbelt,
mirrors and head restraint are properly adjusted.
Never exceed the permitted speed limit. Adjust
your speed to suit traffic, road and weather
conditions and when approaching bends/junctions/
roundabouts/traffic controls/ turning right/turning
left. Never drive at a speed that you cannot stop
safely within the distance you can see to be clear.
Traffic Controls
You should know, understand and comply with
traffic lights, pedestrian lights, pedestrian
crossings, road signs, road markings, yellow box
junctions and signals given by Gardai, school
wardens or persons in charge of animals.
Right of Way
When sharing the road it is important to recognise
when you should give right of way to others. Yield
right of way as required – when moving off; overtaking/
changing lane; turning right/turning left;
at cross junctions/roundabouts; when meeting
other road users. You should not insist on the right
of way, where doing so could cause danger to
yourself or others.
You will be required to reverse into a side road on
the left or right, keeping reasonably close to the
kerb and to continue reversing while it is safe to do
so until requested to stop. Manoeuvre
competently and do not bump or mount the kerb.
Throughout this manoeuvre you should make
proper use of the vehicle controls, take the correct
and proper observations, maintain reasonable
progress and show care and consideration for
the safety of pedestrians and other road users.
Be prepared to stop if necessary.
The purpose of this manoeuvre is to test your ability
to control the vehicle in a restricted space. You will
be required to turn the vehicle within the width of
the roadway to face in the opposite direction. You
may go over and back more than once if necessary.
Manoeuvre competently and do not bump or
mount the kerb. Throughout this manoeuvre you
should make proper use of the vehicle controls,
take the correct and proper observations, maintain
reasonable progress and show care and
consideration for the safety of pedestrians and
other road users. Be prepared to stop if necessary.
You should be able to park the vehicle correctly
and in a safe position. Park legally with care and
consideration for other road users. Always check
before opening the door and alighting from your
Motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable on the
road and it is important that in addition to good
observations that you always take the required
safety glance before moving off/overtaking/
changing lane/turning right/turning left/at
roundabouts/stopping and before changing
direction. Give correct signals in good time.
Off/on the Stand: You should be capable of putting
the motorcycle off and on the stand safely.
Walk Alongside: You should be capable of safely
moving the motorcycle forward or backwards as
required without the aid of the engine.
Slow Ride: Maintain control of the motorcycle at
slow speeds and when turning.
U Turn: Maintain proper control of the motorcycle
at slow speed and when performing a “U” turn .
Braking Exercise: You should complete the braking
exercise competently reducing the speed of the
motorcycle safely without locking the brakes.
Obstacle Avoidance Exercise: You should perform
the manoeuvre safely with proper control and