
Posts tagged ‘driving instructors’

EDT- Has it Made any Difference?

So has it made any difference?
Depending on who you talk to, the opinions are very mixed.
Here are my thoughts…

Before EDT was introduced, driving instructors found it very hard to keep students with them until all lessons of the road had been learnt. The thought process for most people who I have experienced would have been to learn how to control the car and the rest will come naturally. This meant that there are a lot of people out there who can control a car and turn the wheel but have no idea what a potential hazard looks like, and how to react when they see one. Thus the reason that accidents are happening morning noon and night.

So How has EDT helped?

EDT has now enabled driving instructors to keep their students in for the long term. We can now not only teach them how to control the car, for example, starting the car, moving the car forward, stopping the car safely, steering or turning the car and changing gear, but it now allows us to guarantee a varied range of different driving situations. What I mean is, the most common and the least common causes of an accident can now be given as tuition before they book their driving test. This is making for a much safer driver and further increases your chances of passing FIRST time.

I recently had a student who had taken their driving test 6 times. Each time failing for different elements of driving. They told me they had 2 driving lessons when they were younger and had been driving around on a Learner Permit ever since (just the people who the RSA are targeting).

We agreed on 5 Driving Lessons and set about fixing the errors that had previously failed them. All the time using EDT as a check list. After 3 lessons they had noticed a considerable difference in their awareness and was starting to take note of things going on around them. Needless to say they went on to pass their test and now salutes me when ever we meet on the road. I have peace of mind that they are less of a danger on the road.

In Terms of EDT. This is being done from the start now. So No driving around for long periods on learner permits and getting into trouble. Sometimes learning by your mistakes can come at a price. I don’t really need to tell you all what the highest price is that you could pay on the road.


For those of you who are currently in the middle of EDT Essential Driver training….keep it up and stick at it.

For those of you still on a learner permit or provisional, and want to get the best of a full licence, then give me or any other approved driving instructor a call and get in some EDT essential driver training today.

You can read more about whats involved in edt here


Safe Driving





New Lower Speed Limits for Cork Schools

Cork City Council have added an update to their traffic division webpage.
Those of you who pick up children from school will be glad to hear that The City Council have agreed to place lower speed limits near some schools. Sounds great eh?
My opinion….
Initially I think its a great idea but unless the Garda actually enforce it, are any or many drivers going to take any notice. They dont anywhere else.
Part of the Job of being a driver instructor is ensuring we and the students we are teaching are abiding by the speed limits. So why am I still being overtaken in built up areas when Im driving at 50kph?
So unless the Council are going to erect speed camera threat signs in conjuction with the lower speed limits, I think its going to be a challenge to slow down traffic.

Here is the snippet from the Cork City Council Website identifying the locations of a new 30kph speed limit outside some Schools in Cork.

New lower speed limit of 30 kph

The Cork City Road Traffic (Special Speed Limits at Specified Schools) Bye Laws 2011 introduce a new lower speed limit of 30 kph on the approaches to the following schools:
Sunday’s Well Boys Primary School , Blarney Road.
Scoil Barra Naofa Boys and Girls Primary Schools, Beaumont.
St Brendan’s and St Mark’s Primary Schools, The Glen.
North Monastery Secondary School.
Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh, Bishopstown.
Nagle Community College, Mahon.

The Bye-laws will come into effect on Wednesday 22nd February. Motorists are asked to observe the lower speed limits in these areas.

Please see for relevant Cork City Bye-laws –

Cork City Speed Bye-laws 2011

Cork City Road Traffic Special Speed Limit at Specific Schools Bye-laws 2011

Safe Driving


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